Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)

CDP is an independent, non-profit organization based in London that runs the global disclosure system for companies. CDP investigates how companies use their resources and capital, how their activities affect the use of limited resources, and how they manage the related risks.

Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) logo

Recognised by Harvard Business Review as the world’s most powerful green NGO, CDP believes that the private sector should take responsibility for climate change and offers a platform where the private sector can transparently disclose their climate change policies and strategies for water in order to encourage them to fulfil this responsibility. As of 2023, CDP acts on behalf of more than 680 investors managing $130 trillion in assets and calls on the world’s leading companies to disclose their environmental policies.

What kind of a programme does CDP Consultancy follow?

First of all, a short training programme is held with the project kick-off meeting in order to carry out the project efficiently and to increase the coordination with the company’s project team.

Metsims provides detailed information about the project and the stages of the work to be carried out to the project team to be formed together with the company. The main purpose of the meeting is to explain the outline, content, data collection methods and approaches and to motivate the team.

The working stages can be listed as follows:

Carbon Disclosure Project CDP

First of all, a short training programme is held with the project kick-off meeting in order to carry out the project efficiently and to increase the coordination with the company’s project team.

Carbon Disclosure Project CDP

Metsims provides detailed information about the project and the stages of the work to be carried out to the project team to be formed together with the company. The main purpose of the meeting is to explain the outline, content, data collection methods and approaches and to motivate the team.

The working stages can be listed as follows:

1. Evaluation of CDP Carbon Programme Infrastructure Calculations

Metsims consultants review the previous CDP declaration made within the company, if any, and audit the compliance of corporate carbon footprint studies with ISO 14064 and GHG Protocol methods and rules. These rules include measuring greenhouse gas emissions, determining corporate limits and monitoring emissions over time. When necessary, updates are made by recalculating with new coefficients. At the same time, the declarations made to the CDP are also checked and missing points are identified in advance.

2. Data Collection and Calculations

A data template for corporate carbon footprint calculations is shared with the company. In addition, changes in the governance area, progress of existing projects, new planned projects are evaluated and deficiencies are identified. Metsims performs detailed corporate carbon footprint calculations in accordance with ISO 14064 standard with the data collected within the scope of the company. Metsims offers a complete scope 3 (or category 4) calculation with its global databases and databases it has developed such as TLCID (Turkey Life Cycle Database).

3. Independent Validation

The calculation may optionally be subject to verification by independent third parties to be determined by the company. During the process, the Metsims team will always be on hand to address any shortcomings.

4. Identification of Carbon Emission Hotspots

Within the scope of the project, Metsims will find and evaluate carbon focal points with hot spot analyses according to the results obtained after the calculations.

Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)

5. Analysing Emission Reduction Strategies

Metsims consultants identify and assess climate-oriented risks and opportunities in line with the results of their calculations. By revealing the opportunities for improvement, it ensures the creation of targets and processes the company’s sustainability strategy in the report.

6. Analysis and Reporting

Questions are answered according to the data collected and calculations based on the CDP question list determined for the reporting year. CDP current scoring strategy is utilised in reporting.

Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)

5. Analysing Emission Reduction Strategies

Metsims consultants identify and assess climate-oriented risks and opportunities in line with the results of their calculations. By revealing the opportunities for improvement, it ensures the creation of targets and processes the company’s sustainability strategy in the report.

6. Analysis and Reporting

Questions are answered according to the data collected and calculations based on the CDP question list determined for the reporting year. CDP current scoring strategy is utilised in reporting.

7. CDP Programme Application

Upon request, Metsims carries out the processing and application process of the prepared report into the system and then submits it to the company official for approval. English proof-reading is done for a strong and clear language before the declaration is made.

8. Communication of CDP Carbon Programme Results

Content support is provided for the press release to be prepared by the company after the CDP results are announced. These press releases focus on awareness issues such as the quality, detail and transparency of the data provided. The targets set by the company will also form a part of this communication.

The CDP carbon transparency system includes three programmes for institutions, cities, countries and regions;

  • Climate Programme
  • Water Programme
  • Forest Programme

CDP scores are created after the institutions’ CDP notifications. They are graded with the letters A, B/B-, C/C-, D/D-, with A being the highest grade and D being the lowest. The companies with the highest scores are included in the CDP Global A list.

  • Protect and Enhance Company Reputation: Enhance your public reputation through disclosure of environmental impacts.
  • Gain Competitive Advantage: Have an extra advantage over your competitors in areas such as stock exchange, investment and tenders.
  • Track Progress: Benchmark your environmental performance against industry peers and track your own progress with an internationally recognised sustainability score and feedback against your climate targets.
  • Identify Risks and Opportunities: As a result of the evaluation, see your current risks and opportunities and create a strategy.
  • Follow the Legislation Ahead: Environmental legislation and obligations are increasing day by day in both national and global markets. Be prepared for future legislation in advance with CDP.

You can contact us to listen to our success stories about CDP consultancy and to get information.

Meet our CDP Consultants

Gülbahar Korkusuz

Senior Sustainability Advisor
Doray Örgün
Senior Sustainability Advisor
Peter Lee
Commercial Director

Gülbahar Korkusuz

Senior Sustainability Advisor
Doray Örgün
Senior Sustainability Advisor
Peter Lee
Commercial Director
0/5 (0 Reviews)

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