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EPD Certificate from Valfsel!

Valfsel, one of the world's leading faucet manufacturers, has successfully completed the EPD certification process for brass battery products under the consultancy of Metsims Sustainability Consulting.

Operating since 1957, E.C.A. Valfsel minimises the consumption of non-renewable natural resources from the production process and designs products that promote energy and raw material savings for end consumers with environmental and future awareness. Being aware of this responsibility, E.C.A. Valfsel, which obtained the Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) certificate, which is valid all over the world and prepared in European standards, for the first time 5 years ago, renewed it under the consultancy of Metsims Sustainability Consulting. E.C.A. brass faucet products include washbasin faucets, bath and shower faucets, built-in bath and shower faucets, faucets, drain systems, shower systems, urinal faucets and valves.

EPD declarations, which were obtained as a result of a fast work with Metsims, are studies that evaluate the environmental performance of a product according to certain impact categories within the framework of the ISO 14040/44 Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) standard defined according to the ISO 14025 standard. EPD documents are prepared in accordance with the EN 15804 norm, which is defined in the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN) Sustainability in Construction norm (CEN 350) and determines the framework for the assessment of the environmental impact of building products.

The EPD certificate prepared for Valfsel Brass Faucets has been registered in EPD Turkey and International EPD System systems with the registration number S-P-01985. The registered EPD certificate is valid in all world markets.

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